The grant was completed on schedule on September 30, 2023.
A fully working prototype of the application can be viewed here>>>>
Press release summarizing the project implementation, available for download in pdf format
We are pleased to present a photo gallery of the implementation of tasks and progress of work in the first stage (2021-2022) and the second stage (2022-2023) under the Norway Grants entitled “Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation”, Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2020, scheme NORW.19/01/04 Small Grants Schemes for female enterprises. Project number: NORW.19.01.04-14-0016/20 Title: Database and booking platform of places in Poland for seniors and people with limited mobility.
Our partner is Forte Digital from Oslo, Norway.

We are pleased to announce that Rekta Consulting has received funding from Norway, through Norwegian funds, under the “Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation” program, Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2020, scheme NORW.19/01/04 Scheme of small grants for entrepreneurial women – Small Grants Schemes for female enterprises
Project number: NORW.19.01.04-14-0016/20
Title: Database and booking platform of places in Poland for seniors and people with limited mobility.
Our partner is Forte Digital from Oslo, Norway.
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